Wednesday 28 July 2010

Day 3 - Reading

Finished Dead Souls and loved the conversation in Part 2 between Chichikov and the General.  'What's he writing a book about?'  'Generals.'  'Generals?  What kind of book about generals?  A general book about generals or a book with portraits of individual generals or a book about the generals of 1812?' 'The generals of 1812.'  In a book shop near the university, we bought Absurdistan and a book of conversations between Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said - I'm now reading the latter.


  1. Dear Kate,
    I'm so happy that you continue to write notes here again!
    Do I understand correctly you began a trip to Russia (via Poland and Belarus)?

  2. Dear Michael,

    Yes - currently in Warsaw, then heading to Minsk (for 48 hours), then Moscow and St. P (for 2 weeks), then Vilnius, Bialystok and Gdansk. How are things with you? Are you still in Edinburgh?

